πŸ›’ The Psychology of Buying in Difficult Times: How to Apply Behavioural Science for More Sales in Retail and E-commerce

This presentation will show the psychology behind customer buying decisions in difficult times. And give you practical ways that you can start using behavioural science to get more sales.

Photo by CottonBro

We are all cognitive misers, conserving our limited brain power in the context of limitless stimuli.

This means that your audiences (and you) are rarely rational in the vast majority of the decisions you make.

What does this mean for retail and e-commerce? And how do difficult and unpredictable times change things?

This presentation will show you how to:

πŸ’° drive more revenue with price psychology

πŸ“ˆ improve your conversion with nudges

🧠 target and persuade different psychological types

So you get concrete, actionable ideas for improving your commercial performance.

Find out all this – and more – in this comprehensive presentation.

Click image for presentation

Find out what really drives buyer behaviour in difficult times. And get practical, actionable steps you can take to sell more.

Don’t miss the Psychologically Optimised Ad examples on page 83!

Photo: Reafon Gates


🧠  The Psychology of Nomophobia, Loss, Memory and Ignorance


🧠  The Psychology of Ownership, Food, Threat and Indulgence